# Agora Feeds - a [[feature]]. - #push [[agora plan]] - The [[agora]] should support [[rss]] / [[atom]] feeds in two ways: - As a [[consumer]], to easily allow any feed producer to volunteer subnodes in an [[agora]]. - I see this as part of the [[agora bridge]] effort. - As a [[producer]], to easily allow users and other systems to consume [[agora]] updates. - As of [[2022]] this exists: - /feed/node gives you a feed of subnodes in node. - /feed/latest gives you an Agora wide feed. - You can join #go https://matrix.to/#/#agora-feeds:matrix.org on matrix if you want to keep track of updates in a chat room. - #push [[python]] libraries - most popular: [[feedparser]] - new contender: [[atoma]]